Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Touma is now officially 2 months! How did we get here so fast? It's incredible to think that it's been 2 months!! He's getting to be such a smiley sweet little guy. I'm fairly lucky with how well he sleeps (knock on wood!), he generally wakes up only once or twice at night after he goes down after his final feeding (he usually sleeps from 9-11 and then goes down for a longer stretch from 11:30 or 12).

The newest thing he's been doing is getting up in the morning and being super smiley. Means he takes after me and not Daddy (Shimon is REALLY hard to wake up in the morning!!). Maybe he's in early training for morning practices... ;-)

Here are some of the smiles that he gave me this morning!

Just warming up...

for the main event!
He was smiling and wiggling in this one, which is why he's a bit off center.

Friday, March 16, 2012

6 weeks!

This week Touma is six weeks old. How did the time fly?? He's already looking so different from when we first brought him home from the hospital. I can't believe how quickly he's growing and how different he is with each passing day. I am starting to understand why people keep saying to enjoy this time because it's over too quickly. :-)

Touma already has some favorite things... he loves his bath, likes to be on the move as much as possible (mostly strapped to Shimon or me), he likes napping somewhere other than his crib (with mom in bed or on top of mom's chest), he likes music (especially the Stephen Colbert rendition of "Friday" and Motown)... I could go on, but there's too much to list up properly.

One thing I'm grateful for is that Touma doesn't like a messy diaper... I'm hoping that this means that he'll have less diaper rash. So far (knock on wood!) we've been really lucky!

Last week we started cloth diapering full time. There's still some things that I need to figure out and I still have to buy a few more diapers, but all and all it's been a pretty easy transition. I am mostly using all in ones and ones that require a cover (I'm still not totally up on the lingo), but on occasion I throw him in a prefold with a cover as well. Prefolds are great during the week when we're at home just the two of us! Dad would probably not want to mess with prefolds, but for me it's no biggie and they're really good for when he just wets.

Now for some pictures...

This was taken at about 3 weeks... he's making his fishy face!

This was taken at about 5 weeks... very serious boy we have.
He's not always serious... he is definitely a smiley guy.
We had a very good time while my mom was here. This was a typical naptime for Touma when she was here.
He also likes sleeping with Daddy too!
I've been bad at keeping up with my blog, but I'm pretty sure that everyone understands. I'll try to find more time to at least add pictures. It's also good for me to keep a record of how things are changing. :-)