Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Did a dumb thing...

So, I just had two days off... nice relaxing (relatively so) and then I had to work today. I made the silly assumption that I had to work at 7am. I thought it was pretty fair since I'd worked those hours last week. Too bad I didn't call work yesterday to check... I actually don't have to work until 3:00 this afternoon. Eeeek!! If I had just called, I would have known. Oh well... that happens sometimes. Grrrr...

Hope you're having a good day. I get to go through stuff in the garage today! Wheeee!!


Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Back in Alaska!

So, I've neglected my blog as of late...

I was in Michigan right after school ended for a vacation/family reunion. I was freezing when I arrived there... but by the time I left I was more than ready. The 90+ degrees and 80%+ humidity made that completely clear.

When I arrived back home in Alaska last Wednesday I was in for a rude awakening. It was on 60 degrees!! And what's worse is that two days ago it snowed and it's been in the low 30s every morning when I drove to work. Eeeeek!! This is NOT June weather in Alaska. I promise.

I've been working since Friday. And on Saturday I started working 7-4. Argh!! I hate mornings. Needless to say, I am more than ready for the two days off than ever before. And I've only been working for the last 5 days. How is the rest of the summer going to go?? Don't want to even think about that!

Anyway... there's the general overview of things. I'll get back in the swing of my blog soon... I promise!